Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not Much Today

So, not much is happening today. I'm hanging out at Village Roadshow, waiting for success and fame to come my way.

We did have a crisis last night when Tiffany and I went to get her Oscar credentials. She took out her wallet with her ID and credit cards to give her ID to the checkin people. She somehow forgot to pick up her wallet and left it there (of course we didn't know that she had left it there).

We got home and soon Tiffany was in a panic about the wallet. We searched everywhere for it and - nothing. It took a great deal of talk-down, but we finally resolved to just wait until morning and then I would head to Hollywood before my internship and ask the Oscar people about lost and found.

This morning I made it to Orange and Hollywood Blvd (despite Hollywood being closed) and was able to get the wallet no problems. They gave it to me without any problem because my picture happened to be in the wallet :)

I am still working on my various scripts. I am hoping to get one cranked out in the next few weeks. Anyone interested in being a reader for these projects let me know. Some knowledge of dramatic structure and/or screenwriting would be helpful but not mandatory. No compensation will be provided, but I will most likely put your name on the end credits under "Thanks" once the film is completed (and remember it takes years to get movies completed).


Shana said...

I have no expertise in screenwriting, so don't use me if you don't need me, but I'm always happy to help read (I read Cav's stuff, too).

Tiffany said...

For the record, I was more proactive than just freaking out. I did cancel my cards and said a few prayers. It was a little scary that I might have my identity stolen or something, but it's all good now thanks to you, my hero!

I will also read for you. I would love to see the stories you tell me so much about.

I love you!

Geoff said...

Well I don't really know a lot about that kind of stuff, but I watch movies and enjoy them so if you want, I can read your stuff as well. I as well have quite a bit of free time right now, so it wouldn't be any sort of burden.