Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Extremely Short Stories

I was looking into science-fiction short stories as a possible creative outlet - my friend Spencer has an idea that I think would be an amazing short story and it has a science fiction twist. I haven't told him this, and he probably doesn't know which story. Let's see if he can guess!

Anyway, I came across this article in Wired that was extremely fun.

They had taken the idea from Hemingway who said that the best thing he had ever written was a short story that was only six words long:

For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.
Then they had several authors come up with some of their own six-word stories. It's surprising how many of them played with time travel using a sentance structure gag. Here are my top three favorite:
3.  "Computer, did we bring batteries? Computer?" - Eileen Gunn
2.   Lie detector eyeglasses perfected: Civilization collapses. - Richard Powers
1.   TIME MACHINE REACHES FUTURE!!! ... nobody there ... -Harry Harrison
Now I want you all to come up with your own six-word short stories. The winner will be posted on my blog with a picture and a nice paragraph biography.

Here are a few of mine to get you started:
- No problems, no worries. Cryogenically frozen. 
- At first the numbing feels normal.
- Check arrived finally. No authorized signature.
- Cold. Quiet. Uncomfortable. Space suits suck.
- Approaching summit, no turning back now.
Have at it! And have fun. Post as many as you can think of.


Tiffany said...

Disneyland at 25, a first childhood.

Tiffany said...

Fertile Wife. Overscheduled husband. No baby!

Phill Monson said...
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Phill Monson said...

Double Rainbow, what does it mean?

Phill Monson said...

Jacob Black, Edward Cullin. Team Potter.

Spenturion said...

Six words is only enough to...

And you thought Tweets were short.

(spacebar is one word)

Suffering from infectious zombie bite--braaaaaaaains.

Phill Monson said...

The future. Justin Bieber rules all.

Phill Monson said...

Mel Gibson; life has imitated art.

Joshua Cobb said...

I posted these on FB, but I guess I should have put them here.

I came, I saw, I conquered. - Julius Caesar
Heave, Ho, Heave, Ho, Heave, aaargh! - Me
For sale: engagement ring, barely used - Me (cheap ripoff, I know)
Cool iPhone! Waited hours. No reception. - Me
Whoa! *SPLASH* "Help!" *SPLASH* "guuurrggggle" Silence. - Me (morbid, but effective)... See More
Parched, sand, dying. Oasis...SPLASH, aaaaah. -Me (less morbid)