Friday, January 21, 2011

Back on the Wagon

It's been a while since I've posted some regular items to the blog.  I've added a few things here and there for the past few weeks, but nothing of substance.

I just posted my book review of Bone, and soon I will post my review of A Christmas Carol (that's how behind I have become).  I am still very much interested in completing my list of 52 books, but because of several events as of late the schedule has been thrown out the window.  I was doing well for the most part, but unforeseen circumstances can be a detriment to the most avid timekeeper.

With the help of my buddy Spencer, I am working on weekly goals for writing.  This includes my blog, so to answer to him I am working on being a better blog writer.  This isn't an apology or a resolution, just an FYI to the two or three people that enjoy reading the nuggets of inspiration up here.