Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Work Work Script Work

Still looking for a job. Nothing exciting to report yet.
I have been working on a few projects though. Various scripts and treatments in different levels of development.

I rally all writers to work with me to finish a script in the next three weeks. If you are interested in trying this with me, I will send you a three-week script writing course that I have found. It has helped me flesh out an idea and get it ready. I am just now finishing day 7 of my process. I plan on finishing an outline for my script tomorrow.

It's a really great way to express yourself and get your ideas out there. Also, it helps in getting your creativeness out so you can grow and learn.

If anyone has a feature script or a really good short that they want me to read or give thoughts/feedback on let me know!

Good luck!


Nom de Plume said...

I'm in interested in trying this with you. Why not? Please send me a copy of that three-week script writing course that you found.

Nom de Plume said...

that would probably be useful.