Thursday, January 7, 2010

"If I'm going to die, I want to die comfortable"

Even though I've already shared some of my thoughts on this film, I want you all to know more.

This is a fantastic film. And several people agree.

When I get really nervous, I sweat in my palms a ton -- this entire movie, I was wiping my hands on my jeans to keep them dry. It is so tense and so awesomely crazy, it makes me happy to just think about it.

Theater or Home Video: Theater, but you've missed it. Way to go.
Own or Rent: I would own this movie and only see it once a year. It's just too harrowing.


Justin said...

Agreed--and yes, harrowing. Have you seen any of her other films? It's pretty ridiculous but you should check out "Near Dark" for kicks some time. She knows her craft.